Well, we finally are kicking into winter mode around here. At the end of last week, temps dropped from the 40's to single digits. We got a few inches of snow last night, which means that I get to clear the driveway off this evening. After that, it should hopefully be a quiet, relaxing evening. Here are a few ideas that may or may not be helping me pass the time while trying to stay warm:
- Read a book - I haven't hunkered down and read a book (start to finish) in awhile now. Might as well give it a shot one of these days.
- Sell stuff on eBay - I've got buttloads of stuff in the basement that I'll probably never use again. I keep telling my wife that I'll go on a selling spree, but it never really materializes. Maybe this week will be different.
- Clean out the computer room cabinet - it's been a repository for items that don't have a proper place, kinda like the kitchen junk drawer. Time to change that.
- Go downstairs and record some jams - I have fun every time I hit the "record" button and map out ideas...it's cool to build a song up from nothing, layer it with different instruments and make it sound like a band.
- Rent/play WarioWare - Smooth Moves - all the initial reviews say this game is killer, with lots of fun minigames that invite a multiplayer environment.
Cool concert alert - The Apples In Stereo will be playing the Varsity Theatre in Minneapolis on Saturday, 2/24 , at 10 pm. The show is in support of their new album, New Magnetic Wonder, which will be released on February 7.
Wow - this cold snap has put some really good ideas into your head. Basement and computer room clean-up sound like excellent ideas.
I bet that comment was made by Michelle. Who wants to bet? I agree
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