Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Well, this is dumb

I just found out that a local radio station (Drive 105) is switching to "Love 105". I don't know what they'll be playing, but based on the new name, it can't be good. Drive 105 was the station you could always rely on when you were flipping between 93X and the Current. Check out the Strib story on the format change here. Tune in when you get a chance and let me know what they're playing. In the meantime, I'll continue to throw my iPod on shuffle and be surprised.


Anonymous said...

I don't listen to the radio because it mostly stinks. But, LOVE 105 cannot be helping that

Sornie said...

Love 105 is terrible and ABC Radio needs to know... love105comments@gmail.com

Voice your opinion and feel free to check my post about the change


and Thursday evening I'll have a big feature on the Minnesota artists left behind with the loss of Drive 105.