Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happy hump day

We've reached the hump of the week, and things are looking allright. The weather has been nice and cool, just like the gals in my life. And have you been in a music store lately? Holy crap, has this been an awesome week for new albums. New Pumpkins, Interpol, and a re-release of the Foos' classic second album, The Colour and the Shape, have been the highlights for me. has posted a cool article detailing the "Pinkerton effect" (albums that were crapped on when they were initially released, but after time were recognized for how kickass they truly are). Give it a read here.

And finally, it looks like someone found another way to throw $600 down the toilet.

1 comment:

Jesse said...

HA! I think wrecking an iPhone is marvelous. I am sure it breaks your heart Joe. I feel the same way when I see a Ferrari destroyed.