Next week sees the release of The Red Hot Chili Peppers new double album opus, Stadium Arcadium. I had the pleasure of hearing this album for the 1st time yesterday, and it is simply phenomenal. My whole family was jamming out to it yesterday while prepping for a little barbecue. It's a pleasant mixture of their recent forays into more poppy material (By The Way, Californication), as well as a revisiting of their older funky jams. This is probably gonna get my vote for the album to be pumping on your stereo this summer.

Alright, here is my take. The new Pearl Jam is actually pretty good. I lost interest in them quite a while ago, but from what I am listening to, they have gone back to real rock. I am skeptical about RHCP. I saw them look terrible live and that is one way I judge the quality of a band. I will try it and see what happens. I would liek to hear Tool, although I have never gotten into them.
I have not heard any of the Pearl Jam album, so I am going to have to reserve judgement, as with Tool and RHCP. I would like to hear that RHCP CD however...I know they weren't that good at shows, but they have put out some good tunes...Tool....I doubt it.
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