Thursday, May 22, 2008

Do you have days like this?

In other news, if you're ever looking for some new, exclusive music you can't find anywhere else, pop on over to Daytrotter. They post exclusive, live in the studio performances from a ton of artists on an almost daily basis. Just looking today, I see they have some new stuff up from AA Bondy (of Verbena fame) and Mason Jennings (local MN singer/songwriter). So head on over there and check it out! If you look to the right, you'll see that I added a permanent link in the "Links" section.

This week is Mudhoney week in America, as they have 2 new releases in stores. Go here to watch a live performance from Seattle's Easy Street Records on the day "The Lucky Ones" and the "Superfuzz Bigmuff" Deluxe Edition were released to the masses.

1 comment:

Jesse said...

HA! I love the cartoon, and yes I do have days like that. Although, it is usually me talking to myself.