Friday, October 20, 2006

The Chills, man! The Chills!

Come on. Admit it. You've gotten The Chills before. From some song you're listening to for the first time. The excitement builds up inside of you and leaves your body in the form guessed it...The Chills.

You may be saying, "But Joe, today's music sucks ass. I haven't gotten The Chills in years." And I would have to agree with you. There really isn't a whole lot out there today that is Chillworthy. Getting a case of The Chills is a rare occurrance in today's world.

Well, I got The Chills this morning on the way into work. And it was from the last band in the world that I thought would have delivered The Chills to me.

That band was My Chemical Romance. And I'm only serious.

The song? "Welcome To The Black Parade", the first single off of their upcoming album of the same name. It came on the shuffle mix this morning. It comes in with a simple piano melody. Military drumming kicks in, and a modern-day Freddie Mercury enters the speakers. The volume picks up, the singer screaming the lyrics. And then the music fades out, and a drum fill kicks in to the main part of the song, a raved-up pop-punker.

I'll admit, this type of music is probably geared towards 13 year olds. Not an aging hipster like myself. But it just goes to show you that The Chills can come from some of the most unexpected places. Just make sure that when they come, you enjoy them to the fullest. Because moments like those don't come around every day.

Thank you, My Chemical Romance.

Now it's your turn...what songs/albums/bands give you The Chills? Come on, leave your thoughts in the comments section. And make sure to have a killer Friday.


Jesse said...

Wow, there are a few that have done that to me lately. Cowboys from Hell by Pantera is one, a few Hank 3 songs...I am at a loss for others right now but will post them when they come to me

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I know Chris Knight did that to me a couple of times when hearing the CD...that Jesse needs to get more of...Jesse...get more of that...Chris Knight...go...can't think of anything else off the top of my head right now.