Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Have you ever played Squash? It involves a small racquet and a tiny black rubber ball (smaller than a racquetball). You play in a court similar to a racquetball court, but there are certain lines on the court that define borders that you have to hit the ball in. And the ball doesn't bounce worth a crap, so you need to be on your toes.

Anyways, I played squash last night for the 1st time. Actually, it was my first time stepping inside a gym in a long time. And it felt pretty damn good. The wife and I just got a membership to Lifetime, and I'm gonna shoot for going 3-4 times a week.

In other news, some good friends of ours are leaving this Thursday for Florida. They'll be gone until Sunday. In all honesty, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I'll probably start by curling up into a ball, beat myself repeatedly in the head, and then sob uncontrollably until I run out of tears. Which is why I need your help. Can you guys help me come up with some thoughts that I can jot down in a card that will convey the feelings I'll be going through during their absence? Feel free to leave any similar thoughts/stories you may have had in the past in the comments section. Any comments I could get soon would be greatly appreciated, as I hope to give them this card at dinner this evening. Thanks in advance.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Only fags play squash...the Dousch and you...nice work.

Anonymous said...

Very impressive that you are working out at the gym.