I went and saw Borat last night with a buddy of mine (it was a toss-up between that or the Pick of Destiny - not sure if we made the right choice or not). While I was expecting more laughs, I did find it very enjoyable. If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, just let me tell you that there is a scene in a hotel room that is both hilarious and deeply disturbing at the same time.

Speaking of toilets, Axl Rose's mouth has been running like one again. In case you haven't heard, Axl booted the Eagles of Death Metal from the GnR tour after one night because of some pissy crowd reactions during their opening set. Jesse from EoDM recounts the story beautifully
Axl is a complete has been without his original band. He is a primadonna and needs a nice ass whooping...
Absolutely unreal. He needs to go find that rock he was under and disappear. I would rather go toa Manilow concert than his.
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