Thursday, April 12, 2007


The other day, I stumbled across a little contest that was being put on over at the Queens of the Stone Age message boards. All you had to do was enter this contest, and select winners would randomly be chosen to receive a package from the band. I had nothing to lose, so I entered without hesitation. I guess over 900 people entered this contest, and I just got an e-mail from someone inside the Queens' camp saying a Fed Ex package would be arriving at my house on Friday. Kickass! I'll be sure to let you kids know what arrived on my doorstep. I have a good feeling that a song or 2 from the new album may be included in the shipment.

I get to hang out with all my college housemates this weekend. We're heading to the Grand Casino in Hinkley, where five dudes will be sharing one hotel room for two nights. Prepare for hijinks to ensue. Hopefully I'll be able to report back with grand stories of big winnings. NO WHAMMIES!


Unknown said...

Great. You guys are going to destroy your bodies so bad that you will come back a new shade of green.

Anonymous said...

You lucky SOB's!