Friday, February 23, 2007

100 posts!

Holy crap. I've reached the 100 post plateau. Granted, the majority of my posts have been pretty pointless, but I still feel pretty damn proud to have made it to this point. I want to extend my deepest thanks to the 3 people that read my blog - you make it all worthwhile. I hope you'll stick around for the next 100 posts.

Apparently, we're supposed to get hit with a buttload of snow this weekend. It'd be nice to cover up all the dirty snow and exposed grass in the area. It'll also give my daughter a chance to get outside and play in some fresh snow, and I'll probably get out of taking down the Christmas lights this weekend.

If I want to get serious about recording this album I've been talking about before the end of the month, this weekend will be the weekend to do it. I'll keep this bad boy updated with live news as it develops.


Anonymous said...

You got it man...congrats on this historic post!

I just hope my flight doesn't get delayed/postponed on Sunday evening...we shall see.

Unknown said...

I am happy to be a reader.