Friday, February 09, 2007

And we're rolling!

Or at least we will be rolling this weekend. Production on the new album starts tomorrow, which leaves me with about 18 days to finish it. I don't have a note written yet. Probably will try and get a few ideas down tonight. I believe Jesse has a few things rolling around. And Mike D is always good for some hot licks.

I made egg mcmuffins for the office this morning, using this wonderful piece of machinery:

It's the Back to Basics TEM500 Egg-and-Muffin 2-Slice Toaster and Egg Poacher!

This thing truly is a marvel of modern kitchen technology. It's everything you could ever want in a breakfast appliance, and it can be yours for the low low price of around 40 bucks. You can pick these bad boys up at Target.

The new Dinosaur Jr album is scheduled to be released in May...the damn thing leaked the other day, and it is wicked awesome. J unleashes a serious case of guitar wizardry throughout the entire disc. Make sure to pick this one up when it comes out this spring.

I'll close out this post with a graphic taken from the Smashing Pumpkins website...awesome news!

1 comment:

Jesse said...

So, you made egg McMuffins for your whole office AND got paid for it? LUCKY! I can't wait for the new Pumpkins.