Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The big four-oh

It's pretty damn hard to believe, but Kurt Cobain would have been 40 years old yesterday. As some visitors to this blog can attest, I was goo-goo for Nirvana back in high school. I can remember the day he died like it was yesterday...

In celebration of the birthday that could have been, I present to you a live version of "Sappy". This song originally appeared as the untitled last track on the "No Alternative" compilation released in '93. I highly suggest that you pick it up if it's not in your music collection. It holds a great assortment of tracks from the 90's alternative scene (Soundgarden, Pavement, Urge Overkill, Pumpkins, etc).


Unknown said...

For anyone who was not around during Joe's high school days, I can attest to his maniacal love for Kurt Cobain. It was ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I would call it...scary.