I have my radar on, and I'm flying pretty close to the cloud cover. Big things to maybe report in the next few days. You'll just have to wait and see (or maybe listen).
In the meantime, I've been on a pretty big Ryan Adams kick as of late. He has a fantastic new record out with the Cardinals, called Cardinology. I suggest you head to your local record shop and pick up a copy. In the meantime, here's a Foo cover he did in the BBC studios a week or so ago.
I'm starting to wonder if this whole blog thing is a bunch of malarky, and the real way to go is Facebook. Who knows? Who cares? I don't, so this joint will still be a jumpin' as long as I care for it to keep jumpin'.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
In Your Honor, I Would Die Tonight

So I've got my turntable set up in the computer room (which I'm sure my wife absolutely loves), and I decided to bust out some old records and give 'em a spin. One album that I haven't really listened to in awhile is spinning now - In Your Honor by the Foo Fighters. I thought was an OK album when it came out - nothing revolutionary, just the same old reliable standards by a band I had loved since day one. But giving the record a new listen tonight, I have gained a newfound appreciation for it.
The first thing I thought about when I put the record on was the fact that this came out the same week my daughter was born, which is a pretty momentous occasion in itself. I actually got a leaked copy of the album a few weeks earlier, and I was thinking about putting the acoustic side of this record on in the delivery room, to hopefully bring some peace and serenity into the situation. Alas, that never happened, as things had gotten crazier than we had ever planned. But I digress.........
So, I'm currently spinning the "rock" side of the album, and I completely forgot how many solid tunes there are on this album! The title track gets things off on an anthemic start, which leads into the rockin' "No Way Back", followed by radio hit "Best of You". Not too bad for side A, eh?
Side B starts off with "DOA", a song that should have been a huge hit in an alternate universe. Next up is "Hell" - 2 minutes of schorching guitar and drum wizardry. "The Last Song" finishes up side B - basically the bastard child of "Breakout" from their third album. I'm now making my way to side C, and I just wanted to say that I've been very happy to revisit this one after a long break. The rock side is way solid, and I can't wait to give the acoustic side a spin and discover some old favorites all over again.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Surly Darkness this weekend

Surly brewing is releasing Darkness this weekend, a Russian Imperial Stout. The first 700 people in the gates get to purchase up to 6 bottles. This beer is at the top of a lot of beer lists, and I'd really like to get my hands on some. I've heard that people are coming in from out of state to get a hold of this tasty beverage, and there have been rumblings of people actually camping out to secure a place in line. If I do make it to the brewery this weekend and can snag some bottles, I'll post a trip report here. Even if I can't get in, the day would not be a total loss, as they will be serving beer and some bands will be rocking out. Wish me luck readers!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
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Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday, October 06, 2008
I love it but I hate the taste

For those of you that haven't had contact with me over the past week or so, you probably did not know that I joined Weezer onstage at the Xcel on Friday, Rocktober 3rd, to take part in a Hootenanny. It was probably the most fulfilling musical moment of my life up to this point, and I'd like to briefly recall the events of the evening and present them to you (with the assistance of some graphics and moving pictures).
5:45 pm
I am standing at Gate 1 of the Xcel, not quite knowing what to expect as I walk through the doors. I meet up with a gal wearing a 93X shirt, who checks me in and gives me 2 tickets to the show. We mill around for a few minutes, and when the majority of the group has arrived, we meet up with a member of Weezer's tour staff, who takes us downstairs to the rehearsal room.
Everyone gathered in a large circle and began warming up. I was 1 of 10 guitarists, and they had a nice set of guitars lined up on the wall (all tuned to E flat). After a little riffing, the dude that brought us downstairs had us run through the various parts of the songs we were going to play, starting with "Beverly Hills", and then moving on to "Island in the Sun". We jelled pretty quickly, and I thought we sounded great after a few quick passes. Then we determined who would take the solos for the songs. The accordian player came up with a solo for "Island in the Sun", and the trombone player had a solo worked up for "Beverly Hills".
After running through both songs a few times, Brian Bell (guitar) of the band entered the room and ran through the songs with us a few times, which was a super cool experience. He helped us out with some of the weird nuances that show up in the songs, tried to come up with some interesting parts for some of the unusual instruments there, and was just an all around nice guy. He even showed me how to play the goofy diminished C chord in "Beverly Hills" (thanks man!). Here he is giving a quick run-through of "Beverly Hills".
After rehearsal with Brian, we made our way back up to the real world. It was about 7:00, the doors had opened to the arena, and the 1st opening band, Tokyo Police Club, had hit the stage. We were instructed to meet at section 120 at 10:00 to make our way back downstairs to get ready for the performance. I was on a mission to find my friends and some liquid courage.
7:10 pm
I made my way into McGovern's down the street, and located the missus and my sis and her husband. I was absolutely starving, but had no clue what I could eat. Part of me felt like vomiting from the anticipation. More people made their way into the bar - Jes & Jes, Jim & Eban, Rick, Jamie & Kristin, Mike & Liz, Jeff, Rudy & Skip. Several pitchers were ordered and consumed. A former co-worker showed up at the bar and had me sign his ticket stub. As I looked at the clock and saw the 8 o'clock hour approaching, I knew it was time to make it back over to the Xcel.
8:30 (?) pm
The gang strolled into the X and started ordering more brews. Corey made his appearnce, looking as good as ever. I told myself I'd have to be cut off, unless I wanted to stumble onstage and make a fool of myself. I did take a few more sips from random beers, to keep my vocal cords limbered up. Mike D told my wife that I was still drinking heavily, which riled up the missus, as I assured her I would be the sober cab home. So she stopped drinking and was not pleased with me. Thanks, Mike D!
9:15 pm
Michelle and I made our way to our seats at section 105, while the rest of the crew hung out and partied in a suite that was occupied by my sister's neighbor's company. Weezer hit the stage and began to kick it with a tasty groove. I had a difficult time concentrating on the show, as all I could think about was me being on that very stage in a short while. I kept looking at the clock, and at about 9:50, I told my gal that I had to bolt. Kisses were exchanged and she wished me great luck.
10:00 pm
I arrived at section 120, and most of the crew was there. You could cut the energy in the air with a knife. We made our way to the elevators and descended downward to the rehearsal room/backstage area. Everyone gathered their instruments, and we received a little pep talk from their manager. "There's only one thing I'm going to tell you - do not suck out there". OK, buddy. At this point, this was probably my highest level of nervousness.
10:25 pm
We make the walk backstage in the dark, with crew members lighting the way with flashlights. The adrenaline is kicking in as the guitarists are handed their guitars. Someone is barking orders to us about plugging in to a direct input when we're handed a guitar cable. "Sweet!", I said to the guy next to me. "We actually get to plug in!"
The band was onstage, tearing through a cover of Oasis' "What's the Story Morning Glory", and the crowd was eating it up. With the guitar strapped around me, I looked up at the ceiling, and a sudden calmness came upon me. I felt really flipping good. It was time to get this party started. I threw my shades on and made my way to the promised land.
We were led onstage and put into position. I thought I was going to have a front row spot, but had to move to the back to make sure there was clearance for the band members to roam around. Oh well - I made it onstage without fainting or freezing up. First mission accomplished. After Rivers had a few quick introductions with some of the Hootenanny members, we dove into our first number, "Island in the Sun". Brian played the 1st 2 bars, and then we kicked in.
Here's another clip of "Island" (I'm fairly visible in the middle with the black stocking cap):
We wrapped up this one by bringing it down real low and having the audience kick in with the "hip hips". One song under our belts, and we were all smiles. We then brought it all home by firing up "Beverly Hills" (sorry for the shaky video).
Just like that, it was over. I awkwardly tossed my pick into the crowd (another thing to cross off the list). A roadie was on the ground, unplugging us from the direct feed, and we made our way offstage while jamming to "Beverly Hills" unplugged. I handed my guitar off to another roadie backstage, and made my way through the curtain to see Rivers on the other side. I approached him, stuck out my hand and told him how much I appreciated the experience. He grabbed my hand and nodded his head, and I made my way down the tunnel backstage. A quick elevator ride followed, and I was back in reality. I made it to my seat for the last 2 songs of the night, riding on cloud nine.

Now, I could keep documenting this story until 5 am the next day, but I'm going to cut it off at this point. I'll end this post by sharing the 3 lessons I have learned from this experience:
- After viewing the rehearsal video, I need to lose weight. Jeez, I am out of shape.
- Music is such an important part of my life. As we all get older, it becomes extremely easy to lose the simple loves we've hung on to for years, and get sucked into the drudgery of a monotonous lifestyle. Music is one of those simple things that keeps me sane and functioning, and I'm so grateful to have it in my life.
- As much as I've wanted to do it in the past, I really don't think I'm cut out to be a rock and roller. I saw a glimpse of the lifestyle backstage - every single moment of your day is mapped out for you when you're on tour. The creative aspect of the job is right up my alley. The structure? Not so much. Plus, I couldn't stand being away from my gals. If I can be a rock star husband/father for Michelle and Evie (and the occasional rock star at the local southwest metro bar), I'd chalk it up as a success in my book.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Eagles of Death Metal recording "Heart On"
New album from these guys is out next month, and it's sure to be a booty shaker. Check out this in studio video, and I'll be posting more later this week.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My first video in the internets
Behold, my video submission for the Weezer Hootenanny contest for the upcoming show at the X in St. Paul. Go easy on the mocking. I'll let you guys know if I'm one of the lucky 30 that get to jam onstage with the almighty Weezer.
P.S. - this was the song I was gonna do. Did I make a mistake? you be the judge
P.S. - this was the song I was gonna do. Did I make a mistake? you be the judge
Friday, September 19, 2008
New music streams
Happy Friday everyone! Here are a few new tracks for your listening enjoyment.
Scott Weiland - Paralysis
Jack White & Alicia Keys - Another Way To Die (theme song to new James Bond movie)
Scott Weiland - Paralysis
Jack White & Alicia Keys - Another Way To Die (theme song to new James Bond movie)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
New AC DC!
There are at least 8 songs on the new AC DC album that have "Rock" in the title, and here is one of them.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Kings of Leon - Sex On Fire
The Kings have just posted the video to their new single, "Sex On Fire". Check it out below...
Sex On Fire
Also, if you guys are good, I'll post another new track from their new album later tonight.
Sex On Fire
Also, if you guys are good, I'll post another new track from their new album later tonight.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Who - VH1 Rock Honors
If you didn't get a chance to catch the VH1 Rock Honors special with The Who, make sure to catch a re-run. Excellent performances abound. The highlight for me had to be this rad ass Tommy medley, performed artfully by The Flaming Lips.
The Flaming Lips - Tommy medley (Live from VH1 Rock Honors) mp3
The Flaming Lips - Tommy medley (Live from VH1 Rock Honors) mp3
Friday, August 22, 2008
Why did I drink so much last night?
- Because everyone else was doing it, or
- I'm an alcoholic.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Haven't seen you guys in awhile.........crazy summer with too much going on. Here's a recap:
Hey - new Metallica single here!
Happy Thursday everyone - may your weekend be a joyous one.
- Lollapalooza rocked a horse's ass
- Got a new record player that is fantastic
- My daughter still does not know how to use the potty chair
- Mowed some lawns
- Played some softball
- Fired up the grill a few times
- Went to a few cabins
Hey - new Metallica single here!
Happy Thursday everyone - may your weekend be a joyous one.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Brett Favre
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Friday, June 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
It's a Hootenanny!
Boy, my last blog post got the record for the most comments ever I believe. Maybe I should write about my dorkiness more often.
Check out these recent vids of Weezer on their Hootenanny tour (for a description of the tour, go here). I sure do wish they were coming to the Mlps/St. Paul area for this.
Check out these recent vids of Weezer on their Hootenanny tour (for a description of the tour, go here). I sure do wish they were coming to the Mlps/St. Paul area for this.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I was a huge dork (and I probably still am)
So, I was looking through my "Senior Wills" last night. basically, it was a collection of lists of things that people in my senior high school class left to other people. As a perused the entries, I noticed that there were 2 things that people left to me. They are as follows:
- A girlfriend
- Fun in Ecology/Economics/Biology/etc.
Monday, June 09, 2008
One helluva week
Check out this lucky bastard! How many people do you know that get to play with a Beatle one day, and then half of Led Zeppelin a week later?
Sunday, June 1st
Sunday, June 8th
In other news, I just heard that ACDC's next album will be exclusively sold at Wal-Mart stores. Makes a guy wanna puke.
Sunday, June 1st
Sunday, June 8th
In other news, I just heard that ACDC's next album will be exclusively sold at Wal-Mart stores. Makes a guy wanna puke.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Do you have days like this?

This week is Mudhoney week in America, as they have 2 new releases in stores. Go here to watch a live performance from Seattle's Easy Street Records on the day "The Lucky Ones" and the "Superfuzz Bigmuff" Deluxe Edition were released to the masses.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
New music Thursday

I've heard 8 tracks off the new Weezer album, and I think this one is shaping up to be a winner. It's not what I was expecting at all - they are definitely treading new musical waters........Weezer's new album is in stores on 6/24.

Also on the new release horizon is "Evil Urges" from My Morning Jacket. They take a lot of crazy turns on this new one, but I think this'll be another record that will be spending a lot of time on the stereo this summer. "Evil Urges" will hit store shelves on 6/10.
Monday, May 05, 2008
New Nine Inch Nails!

Nine Inch Nails has released their new album, the slip, online today. If that's not good enough news for you, maybe the fact that it's 100% free of charge might entice you to pick it up (or download it down). Head on over to www.nin.com and grab it!
Here's the tracklisting:
'Letting you'
'Head Down'
'Lights In The Sky'
'Corona Radiata'
'The Four Of Us Are Dying'
'Demon Seed'
Friday, April 18, 2008
News wrap-up
First off, I'm sad to see the news about Danny Federici's passing. Danny was the keyboardist for the E-Street Band for 40 years. Honestly, I really don't know what the man looked like, but I know is contribution to the Boss' music will be sorely missed. Go to the Boss' website for some video of Danny in action.
The rest of the news I had was all stuff that you can find at rollingstone.com, so go there for some entertainment until I get some original thoughts to jot down. May you all have a wonderful weekend, and be sure to give your loved ones a hug and a kiss from me.
The rest of the news I had was all stuff that you can find at rollingstone.com, so go there for some entertainment until I get some original thoughts to jot down. May you all have a wonderful weekend, and be sure to give your loved ones a hug and a kiss from me.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Pork and Beans
Weezer's new single is streaming in high quality at their website. Go check out the song that is gonna be blaring out of all your car stereos this summer!
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Sight for sore eyes
It's about time these guys got back together.....
Friday, June 6th - Roy Wilkins. Tickets go on sale this Saturday, April 12th.
Friday, June 6th - Roy Wilkins. Tickets go on sale this Saturday, April 12th.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Sick of Goodbyes
Here's a great song put out by a band called Sparklehorse back in the 90's. It can be found on their record titled Good Morning Spider. They have put out several albums that are all superb, and this song has spurred me to grab all their albums again (I probably sold them all in college to fund my cribbage habit).
Also, Rolling Stone has their Spring Music preview up on their site here. Loads of good stuff coming down the pipe, including Weezer, Neil Diamond, and Mötley Crüe. Kickstart my Heart indeed.
Also, Rolling Stone has their Spring Music preview up on their site here. Loads of good stuff coming down the pipe, including Weezer, Neil Diamond, and Mötley Crüe. Kickstart my Heart indeed.
Friday, April 04, 2008
It's all going to go downhill from here

My wife was kind enough to locate my first gray hair for me the other morning. It was a huge strand that was sticking out of my melon like a sore thumb. So, on top of me losing my hair, it's now turning gray. Awesome!

And finally, if this is true, I will be the happiest camper of them all.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
From The Raconteur's site:
The Raconteurs are happy to announce that in one week's time their second album, entitled "Consolers of the Lonely", will be available EVERYWHERE Tuesday, March 25.I'm very pumped that more and more bands are skipping the months and months of pre-promotion before an album is released and just getting their stuff in stores (Radiohead and NIN are a few current examples). Hopefully this is a trend that will continue.
"Album" meaning: full length vinyl, CD and digital formats; and "everywhere" meaning: local mom and pop indie retailers, corporate superstores, supermarkets, iTunes, Amazon, the band's own website and any other location that could get the record up and going this quickly (some places couldn't move this fast, so they will join in as soon as they can).
It contains 14 new recordings and is being released globally on Third Man Records in conjunction with our marketing/distribution partners, XL Recordings and Warner Brothers Recordings.
With this release, The Raconteurs are forgoing the usual months of lead time for press and radio set up, as well as forgoing the all important "first week sales". We wanted to explore the idea of releasing an album everywhere at once and THEN marketing and promoting it thereafter. The Raconteurs would rather this release not be defined by its first week sales, pre-release promotion, or by someone defining it FOR YOU before you get to hear it.
Another purpose was to also allow people to have their own choice as to exactly which format they would like to hear the album in IMMEDIATELY, rather than having to wait for their favorite format to become available. The band are also not releasing any version of this record that contains bonus tracks.
The band also prefer that fans buy the album as a whole instead of breaking up the tracks, but until iTunes and other digital services allows bands to release their albums with the option of NOT breaking it up, it will be sold in that fashion on those particular sites. On the band's website however, the album will be sold in its entirety as an mp3 at 320kb bit rate. Also in Japan, fans will be able to download the record via their mobile phones, as that is how a majority of recorded music is consumed there.
The reason we are announcing this release one week ahead of time is because of retail pre-ordering and stocking, information about this album's imminent release was bound to come to light and could be confusing to fans.
Also in the event that the record leaks, we didn't want this method of release to be seen as a REACTION to such a leak. It's not. The actual worst thing about a leak is the usual poor sound quality, aking to watching a movie on a wristwatch instead of in a theater. Which for the album's creators is a bit of a letdown, it is completely up to the listener.
There will be a video up to on the internet for the first single, "Salute Your Solution", on the 25th as well, provided it gets edited in time. We just filmed it the other day!
We hope not to confuse anyone with too many options, or deny them the formats that they like best. The Raconteurs feel very strongly that music has worth and should be treated as such. Thank you for all those who respect music in this fashion, and thank you to our label partners for working with us to get this album to fans in as many formats as possible all at once.
Thank you, and we hope that you enjoy "Consolers of the Lonely".
The Raconteurs
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Saw the Foos and the Hives last week. Foos were reliable and consistent; Hives pretty much rocked my socks off. I think the $33 difference between the ticket prices may have something to do with it. Here are the reviews from the Strib from these shows - I'm too lazy to type out my own thoughts at the moment.
Foo Review
Hives Review
Nine Inch Nails has just released a new record this evening on the Internets. 36 instrumental tracks. You can get a download of the album for a measly 5 bucks. I've been trying to snag it, but the site is just getting pummeled at the moment. Anyways, you can check out some of the tracks at http://ghosts.nin.com/.
Foo Review
Hives Review
Nine Inch Nails has just released a new record this evening on the Internets. 36 instrumental tracks. You can get a download of the album for a measly 5 bucks. I've been trying to snag it, but the site is just getting pummeled at the moment. Anyways, you can check out some of the tracks at http://ghosts.nin.com/.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Weekend highlights
- Friday night - went to a fish fry with the folks, and then went home and ironed the drapes. Shel did all the ironing - I did all the taking down andre-hanging of the drapes. Pretty exciting stuff for a Friday night, huh?
- Got a body age assessment done at LifeTime Saturday morning. My body age is 33, and I'm a bit disappointed in the results. Now I've got a good set of goals to reach when it comes to getting physically fit. I'm hoping to get a heart rate monitor for workouts, and possibly signing up for a fitness class. I think that any investment you can put towards your health is a good investment in my book. Now I just need to make sure that I stay committed so that my wife thinks it's a good investment as well.
- Had Jen, Bill and Jimmy over for jerk chicken kabobs and risotto Saturday night - everything turned out delicious, and we got in a few rousing games of Guitar Hero in as well. The evening ended with a few drinks over at the neighbors (or did it????????).
- Got up at the non-rock & roll hour of 7:30 AM on Sunday morning to prepare for a church gig at 8:45. Got to church at 8, had a quick rehearsal, and proceeded to ROCK THE HOUSE! We were at the top of our game and did a pretty decent job. One of these days, I'll post the gig schedule so that my vast blog readership can come and see what all the fuss is about.
- Went cross country skiing for the 1st time yesterday out by Lake Minnewashta. 4 bucks for an hour of fun (and a few spills). I have what appears to be the imprint of part of a ski on my back, but we had a blast and look forward to doing it in the future.
- After skiing, it was off to Floyd's for some liquid refreshment and a few rousing games of bingo. We didn't win any games, but it was a good time nonetheless.
- Our day ended with a pizza dinner with Shel's mom, and an early bed time for everyone in the Heiland house. All in all, it was probably one of the best weekends we've had in a long time - lots of fun, and we got a few productive things done as well.
!!!!!!!!FOOS ON TV ALERT!!!!!!!!
The Foo Fighters will be playing on Letterman this Wednesday, February 20th. Set your Tivos!

On another note, there's this new band out there called The Gutter Twins. The band is primarily composed of 2 legendary singers - Greg Dulli (Afghan Whigs, Twilight Singers) and Mark Lanegan (Screaming Trees, Queens of the Stone Age). These 2 gentlemen are displayed to the left of this post. They have an album called Saturnalia that is coming out on Sub Pop in a few weeks. The stuff I've heard from it has been pretty incredible. Their whole record is steaming at this site - check it out and be amazed. These guys will be playing the First Avenue mainroom on Saturday, March 8. If I can make it, I'll be there with bells on. For 11 bucks, how can you go wrong?
The Foo Fighters will be playing on Letterman this Wednesday, February 20th. Set your Tivos!

On another note, there's this new band out there called The Gutter Twins. The band is primarily composed of 2 legendary singers - Greg Dulli (Afghan Whigs, Twilight Singers) and Mark Lanegan (Screaming Trees, Queens of the Stone Age). These 2 gentlemen are displayed to the left of this post. They have an album called Saturnalia that is coming out on Sub Pop in a few weeks. The stuff I've heard from it has been pretty incredible. Their whole record is steaming at this site - check it out and be amazed. These guys will be playing the First Avenue mainroom on Saturday, March 8. If I can make it, I'll be there with bells on. For 11 bucks, how can you go wrong?
Friday, February 15, 2008
I've got a girl and she likes to shop
Been pretty swamped over the past few weeks and haven't had much time to update this thing. I hope everyone had a splendid Valentine's Day.
New update from The Raconteurs myspace page:
"The Raconteurs are currently finishing up their second album in nashville, tn.
They promise to release it as soon as they can."

They put out a fantastic 1st record, and I'm looking forward to their sophomore effort.
That's about all I have for today - maybe I'm make some more lengthy and intersting posts this weekend.
New update from The Raconteurs myspace page:
"The Raconteurs are currently finishing up their second album in nashville, tn.
They promise to release it as soon as they can."

They put out a fantastic 1st record, and I'm looking forward to their sophomore effort.
That's about all I have for today - maybe I'm make some more lengthy and intersting posts this weekend.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A taste of things to come
Here's a little preview of what you can expect at the Foo show coming up at the Target Center in a few weeks. This is what they've been opening up with on the current leg of the tour. Delicious...
Also, did you know that the Hives are playing First Ave the night after the Foos are in town? Quite the week of rock we have to warm us up next month.
Also, did you know that the Hives are playing First Ave the night after the Foos are in town? Quite the week of rock we have to warm us up next month.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Happy Friday
I don't have too much to say. Just glad the weekend is upon us. Here's a video for your viewing pleasure.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
To be continued
As an addendum to my previous post, check out this sweet ass discussion about people's favorite memories from First Ave:
Also, the Hives are rocking First Ave the day after the Foos are in town. I'm so tempted to hit it up - $21 after fees. Soooooooooo tempting....can one person handle that much rock in 2 days?
Also, the Hives are rocking First Ave the day after the Foos are in town. I'm so tempted to hit it up - $21 after fees. Soooooooooo tempting....can one person handle that much rock in 2 days?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Quick ramblings
Just got back from Scottsdale....quite the difference in weather, but it's good to be back home. Here's a few items for your perusal:
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Greetings from Tennessee
Fantastic news from superdrag.com!
Lastly, the rumors are true, it's official: Superdrag's original line-up will reconvene in the recording studio in February to begin work on our first new recording project together since 1998's "Head Trip In Every Key." I can't say much more about the songs themselves (apart from what's already been posted on our MySpace page which will be the only "official" taste of the new music until the record drops), but I will say that this HAS to be our best album, otherwise there's really no point, is there? We are wholly committed to breaking the Law of Physics that states, "REUNION ALBUMS, BY DEFINITION, MUST BE TERRIBLE." So we'll see how it goes! Personally, I am really excited about the way the new music is unfolding and I hope you will be too. I am really thankful to be working on new music with Brandon, Don and Tom this year.
Lastly, the rumors are true, it's official: Superdrag's original line-up will reconvene in the recording studio in February to begin work on our first new recording project together since 1998's "Head Trip In Every Key." I can't say much more about the songs themselves (apart from what's already been posted on our MySpace page which will be the only "official" taste of the new music until the record drops), but I will say that this HAS to be our best album, otherwise there's really no point, is there? We are wholly committed to breaking the Law of Physics that states, "REUNION ALBUMS, BY DEFINITION, MUST BE TERRIBLE." So we'll see how it goes! Personally, I am really excited about the way the new music is unfolding and I hope you will be too. I am really thankful to be working on new music with Brandon, Don and Tom this year.
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